Enfield postcode list

Enfield, England is a place where 22509 companies are located. Among them the oldest one, started back in 1899 is Mediq Healthcare Uk Limited (incorporated on 1899-06-13) located within the EN3 7QJ postcode. During the first half of 2016, 1478 companies have been started in Enfield. For added context 1400 companies were created the previous year, 1380 in 2014 and 1203 in 2013. As far as hospitals are concerned, we can name 3 out of many Enfield can offer. There is the Constance House Hospital, at 8 Colmore Road in the EN3 7AL postcode. They can be reached by phone at 02088052220. Then there is the BMI The Cavell Hospital, at Cavell Drive in the EN2 7PR postcode. They can be reached by phone at 02083662122. Finally, we have the Chase Farm Hospital (Trust HQ), at Chase Farm Hospital in the EN2 8JL postcode. They can be reached by phone at 08451114000. If what you are looking for is information about schools, Enfield has got it covered. Many schools are located in the area. Finally, as far as culinary options are concerned, you have quite a choice - Enfield is home to 342 restaurants, 94 bars and 209 takeaways.
10 companies; 0 restaurants; 0 bars; 0 takeaways;
12 companies; 0 restaurants; 0 bars; 0 takeaways;

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